Motorscube || Prepare Plant

Preparing your Plant for a sale is an important investment in time and – possibly – money. Not only could it mean that you sell your Plant more quickly, it might also mean you get more money for it.

Clean your Plant-First thing

The very least you should do is to make sure it’s clean and tidy inside and outside. Simple things like clearing out the glovebox and doorbins can make the Plant all the more attractive to a buyer. It might be worth considering a professional valet which could save you time and be a sensible investment. After all, if a Rs. 5,000 valet adds Rs. 50,000 to the value of the Plant, you’re making money.

Check Electrical & Mechanical components

Likewise, go around the plant and check that all the electrics & mechanical work-- all components should be working as it will give buyer more confidence in buying your plant


Fix problem

If you come across any minor problems or damage, it’s worthwhile getting them fixed. This is not just because a clean Plant health will make it more appealing to potential buyers, but also because any obvious problem provides the buyer with the perfect opportunity to try and beat you down on price.


Finally, don’t forget that preparing your Plant involves more than just the Plant. Gather together all the paperwork you have for the Plant and details of any services or repairs that you have had completed on the Plant. Again, it all helps to make the Plant more valuable and attractive to a potential buyer, as it will help to confirm the Plant’s history and give the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the Plant has been looked after.

Ok, let's sell My Plant.

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